Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Blog B

As I was reading the Lippman chapter about Stereotypes as Defense, I found myself making a connection to an event that happened earlier that day. I had to run into a store in New Castle and my friends decided just to wait for me in the car. While I was gone a black man pulled up and parked next to my car. He kept starring at my friends and they got nervous and locked the doors. He then got out of his car and knocked on the window of my car, which made my friends feel extremely nervous at this point. The put the window down just a tiny bit and asked him what he wanted. He said, “do you guys go to Mohawk?” and after they assured him they did not he got back into his car and left.
When I got back into the car they told me the situation and thought it probably had something to do with a drug deal and that was the code question. I myself thought nothing of their comment, but later as I was reading I began to think about the situation and what was said. Lippman explains that if people have a pre-conceived image in their head of a certain type of person then they can interpret a situation to reinforce that idea. Just as my friends might have used this situation to reinforce the image of drug dealer or even a black man, Lippman explains, “If what we are looking at corresponds successfully with what we anticipated, the stereotype is reinforced for the future, as it is in a man who knows in advance that the Japanese are cunning and has the bad luck to run across two dishonest Japanese”(Lippman p. 55). Luckily enough I have had other experiences with black people and I do not use this situation to reinforce that stereotype, but there are some people the may not feel the same way. Say for an example that situation occurred to a student who was from a town with an all white population. That situation might have reinforced a stereotype they had. So to me a stereotype would be a conception that a person has or an image that they carry with them until they learn otherwise. That is why taking a multicultural education class, or a minority/majority class could benefit people by ridding them of these misconceptions.

Blog A

The media that I use most is the internet. Rumor has it that Al Gore was the person behind the creation of internet. However, I feel that it is simply just that- a rumor. While reading Chapter 2 of Hanson, I found that AOL bought Time Warner. Time Warner came from the owners of Time magazine and Warner Communications, “which had grown out of the Warner Brothers movie studio”(Hanson pg 42). Luckily for AOL, Time Warner owned some cable stations too! The next thing you know the internet is available through cable, which is much faster than dial up; the screeching sounds are a thing of the past.
Going even deeper into the past of the internet, I read that it was mainly used for communication for the military and some business offices. They truly knew the benefits of communication through the internet and finally decided to share it with the rest of the world. Each and everyday the internet is changing. New websites have been known to cause a change in people’s leisure activities. Before some people may have spent their time surfing chat rooms, blogspots, or online journals, but with the birth of Myspace and Facebook the need for some of those sites has dwindled.
Time magazine has made the person of the year, “you”, because people are spending most of their time doing things for themselves. I would say the internet is mainly run by its consumers. It is up to consumers to find websites they are interested in, and continue using them. Companies have found way to add “spam” to our email, or have pesky “pop-ups” while we are surfing the net, but there are programs manufactured to cut back on that interference. The internet has changed society and allowed the world to become global.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

3rd post

The first idea that comes to mind when I think of stereotypes in the media would have to be the caveman commercial. The commercial is meant to be funny, but it does prove a point. People get stereotypes from the media. People take the image that they see on television and apply it to reality. People are guily of creating all kinds of beliefs off of one medium.
Reality is limited because people may be thrown off by media. They may feel that they know all that they need to know about a subject, or a person because they saw it on televison or read about it on the internet. People are limiting themselves and not getting a first hand experience. Television shows often portray minorities as trouble makers or some sort of criminal. Some people may be afraid of African Americans because of what they learned about them on t.v.
By engaging in more media you can further your beliefs in more than one way. You may learn that what you learned from one form of media, may not be the same on a different type. Take television for an example, you may watch Law and Order SVU and think that African Americans are a bunch of criminals, but then you change station and watch the Crosby show and see a family just like yours. Or you may never change the channel and just simply see minorities as criminals and refuse to believe anything different.
It is up to you to interpret media and remain open to different experiences. If we decide to let other people, such as news reporters or even celebrities give us our knowledge on things, we wont ever know first hand what we would think for ourselves.

favorite media missing.

I would have to say that the internet is my favorite type of media. I hardly ever turn my computer off, because I like to have access to the internet whenever I want and whenever I want. I much prefer to email, rather than making a phone call or physically writing a letter. I find that I am able to keep in touch with my friends better and that I actually find different websites, such as myspace or facebook useful.
The first and most important thing about the internet is that it is efficient. I can mulitask while I sit at my computer. I am able to do my homework, talk to my friends and write emails for different orginzations that im involved with. Different websites that I visit on a daily basis are facebook, myspace and the westminster homepage for the calendar or to check my email.
If I was not able to access the internet I would feel a little annoyed. As I mentioned before, the internet is very efficient and it allows me to do more than one activity at once. Without the internet I would have to spend the time writing out letters (and taking them to the post office), finding other ways to contact my friends and do quick research. I think that many people experience the loss of internet while on vacation (especially if they are camping or visiting a place that is not wired for the internet). It is a strange feeling. I always feel disconnected from the world. I usually get the daily news from the internet as well, so I feel like i am out of the loop.
It would not be impossible to live without the internet, because clearly people survived before the internet was invented by Al Gore. I would have to find alternate means of going about my daily routine. I would probably not know what is going on with friends from high school, because I would not bother keeping in contact without using webpages such as Myspace of Facebook.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Media Checklist

1.) How often do you use the telephone? Who do you call most often?
-I usually use my cell phone when I need to get in contact with my friends, which is somewhere between 10-20 phone calls a day. While I am at school, I will call home occasionally to see how my family is doing. My friends are who I talk to the most.
2.) When's the last time you listened to a speech or public speaker where you were physically in the audience (not required for class)? What was it and why?
-A few weeks ago I went to church, but that is probably the only time I've listend to a speaker on a completely voluntary basis.
3.) How often do you use IM? Name two people on your buddy list or people you frequently chat with.
-I usually keep an away message up while signed onto IM, but I hardly ever talk with anyone. If I do talk to people it is either Jim or Brittany.
4.) How often do you use email?
-I use it on a daily basis. I have to email profs, friends, classmates and also different performing artists or their agents when I'm dealing with programming stuff for CPC.
5.) When's the last time you paid for music to listen to? What was it? CD? iTunes? concert?
-I probably havent paid for any music for over a year. I rarely buy CD's or go to concerts. I dont download music either; I mainly just listen to the radio or CD's that people bring/leave in my car.
6.) What's the most recent thing you've watched on TV? Why?
-I watched NEXT on MTV for the past hour. Someone else had MTV on while I was at work, so I watched it rather than doing homework.
7.) When's the last time you recorded a movie or televison program? What was it?
-My friend used my TV/VCR to record American Idol the other night because she had formal recruitment and had to miss the show.
8.) Name the most recent movie you watched for fun at the theater? DVD?
-I went to see a lot of movies over break, but the most recent one is "Pursuit of Happyness" with Will Smith. The last DVD I watched was called "Pulse".
9.) Name the type of radio station you last listened to & why?
-I last listened to digital 88.9 because it plays on all of the speakers in MCC.
10.) Name the most recent book you read for YOU (not a class)? Why?
-I dont think I have ever picked up a book for my own reading pleasure. I always fall asleep when I have reading assignments for class, so I dont bother reading when its not required.
11.) When was the last time you read a newspaper? Name it? Why were you reading it?
-I read the Sharon Harold today. I was looking for a new apt. for next year, but I had no success. 12.) Same question #5, but apply it to a magazine.
-I have never purchased a magazine, but I always read magazines that are laying around my apt. from my friend, Brittany. She always buys them and leaves them for me to read.
13.) When's the last time you wrote a letter and sent it?
-When I was a freshman in college, I mailed a letter to a friend who lives far away.
14.) Name a web site you frequent or have bookmarked on your browser? When's the last time you visited? Why?
-Myspace is currently pulled up on my computer. I like to talk to friends and update my page frequently.
15.) Do you have a "Myspace" or "Facebook" or blog? Why?
-I have both Myspace and Facebook, but not a blog. I like to keep in touch with my friends and look at pictures of my friends on both sites. I do not become friends with anyone I do not know, because I find most people creepy.